Last challenge for this year...
I'm signing up for the Retelling Challenge, hosted by Mel from The Daily Prophecy. You can sign up and see all the details here. This sounds like a really fun challenge. We'll see if I can be organized enough to keep up with it.
My goal is to shoot for at least five retellings, which is the "-Goose Girl: 5 - 9 books" level. If I end up reading more I'll adjust that. I have a Goodreads shelf here to keep track of my to-read and read books.
UPDATE (March 1st)
So, I've gotten two books read for the bingo game. I wanted more read, but I still feel like two books was pretty good when I didn't necessarily originally plan on this challenge.
I also got another retelling read in February, Blackhearts, which is a retelling of the story of Blackbeard:
So, three books towards my 5-9 goal isn't bad for the first two months of the year. :)
I'm looking forward to reading more!
So, I'm recapping all my challenges. I probably did the worse at this one, but I did get some books read (as I noted above) and met my goal of between five and nine books. Here they all are together:
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