Book two in this intriguing YA sci-fi series... Hybrid by Candace Kade (Review & #Giveaway) #newbooks #booktwitter #hybrid #candace kade #yalit #yabooks #scifi @enclavebooks @celebrate_lit

Welcome to my tour stop! Check out my review and the giveaway below...

(The Hybrid Series #2)
By Candace Kade
YA Science Fiction, Dystopian
Hardcover, Audiobook & eBook, 397 Pages
March 5, 2024by Enclave Escape


Lee Urban’s search for truth could destroy everything.

After narrowly surviving several attempts on her life, Lee Urban retreats into hiding, seeking refuge with her family for the Lunar New Year. But the relaxing holiday turns into a heist when someone crashes the party with intel on the hybrid’s identity.

Driven by desperation, Urban accepts a position within the elite Dragons AI team, a high-stakes gamble that will propel her into the heart of the turbulent West. As she follows the elusive clues to the hybrid, the journey takes her closer to uncovering the truths about her own origins and the odd circumstances surrounding her adoption.

Tensions between the Enhanced and Naturals grow increasingly violent and the Western Federation teeters on the brink of civil war. Urban’s choices threaten to tear her family apart, and the secrets she unearths just might shatter the delicate balance of society.

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My Review

HYBRID takes readers into a world full of genetic changes and a social system of those who are enhanced by such changes and those who are not. It's a complex system and interesting in all its nuances. The heroine seeks someone as well as answers to her past, and in so doing continues to find herself in danger. Recommended to all sci-fi fans.

I liked all the characters in this story, particularly Urban. She's just a regular, girl-next-door college student who is trying to do her best in school, hide her lack of enhancements, and survive. She's in hiding and travelling in this second book and I enjoyed seeing her character continue to develop as the story goes. I also liked her relationships with those around her, especially her sister, boyfriends and roommates.

The plot and secrets have been developing since the first book and those continue here in book two. Urban's path looks a bit different here as the story doesn't carry out as much at college. A feeling of danger underlies the story from beginning to end. It's a steadily paced story, but one that maintains a constant tension so that readers keep turning pages to find out what will happen next. 

In the end, was it what I wished for? This was an overall solid second book in this series with plenty of clues leading to the next book. Readers will enjoy the likable characters, engaging plot, and an interesting sci-fi world.

Content: Clean
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the tour host/NetGalley, which did not require a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

Candace Kade grew up in China and currently lives in Austin, Texas. When she’s not missing Chinese food, she’s busy writing, exploring new countries, volunteering, hiking in national parks, teaching her husband Mandarin, and keeping a baby human alive.

You can find the author here.

Tour Schedule

Through the Fire Blogs, March 24 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, March 26 (Author Interview)

Guild Master, March 28 (Author Interview)

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 30 (Author Interview)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 1 (Author Interview)

For the Love of Literature, April 3 (Author Interview)

Beauty in the Binding, April 4 (Author Interview)

Tour-Wide Giveaway

To celebrate her tour, Candace is giving away the grand prize package of a hardback copy of Hybrid and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Did you read the first book in this series? What do you think about this one?

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