I Can't Wait for... Summer Tease by Martha Keyes (Can't-Wait Wednesday) #CWW #WOW #booktwitter #newbooks #romancebooks #summertease #cleanandwholesome #cleanreads #beachread

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted here to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. Find out more here.

I fell in love with this author a few years back and she's been a favorite ever since. I literally can binge read her series and then want to read them again. This newest is in a series with a bunch of other authors, several of which I also like. The whole series (all of which look like they'll be on KU) would be perfect to take on vacation, especially to the beach.

Summer Tease
(Falling for Summer)
By Martha Keyes
Contemporary Romance, Clean & Wholesome
Audiobook & eBook
July 10, 2024


Falling for a Palmer would be the ultimate crime

Wild horses couldn’t drag me back to the small island where I grew up, but you know what can? Making sure the Palmer family–aka the worst neighbors ever–show appropriate respect to the newest resident of their retirement center: my grandma.

But as soon as Grams moves in, her shenanigans put her at risk of being kicked out. Since she’s set on staying in Sunset Harbor until her last breath and there’s no way I’m staying on this nightmare island to take care of her, that’s just not an option.

Enter Beau Palmer, the infuriatingly charming local cop who’s got the connections to keep Grams right where she needs to be and help me get out of Dodge sooner. His price? Use my PR savvy to convince the town council into making his position full-time. That way, he can help his beloved island put the Sawyer/Palmer drama in the past.

But the drama isn’t behind us. In fact, it’s right in front of me, wearing a police badge and a smirk that’s really started disturbing my peace.

Summer Tease is a small-town island romantic comedy with the perfect amount of swoon and none of the explicit scenes or language. Read the rest of the Falling for Summer series–seven standalone romances with interconnected characters, all falling in love in Sunset Harbor.

Summer Ever After by Kortney Keisel
Beachy Keen by Kasey Stockton
Plotting Summer by Jess Heileman
Summer Tease by Martha Keyes
Beauty and the Beach by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
One Happy Summer by Becky Monson
Rebel Summer by Cindy Steel

(Affiliate links included.)

Will you be reading this one?

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